
APS Enrollment Requires Membership

The Arno Profile System (APS) requires membership and certification in the NCCA or SACC organizations. Not all program requirements are the same. The program and school you are enrolled with will determine your eligibility in the APS system. Typically APS certification is earned after the completion of the program. Running reports independently often removes the eligibility to use those reports in future programs. Contact a supervisor to acquire the appropriate requirements if interested in a future certification.

APS Enrollment Process

Please start by logging into the NCCA or SACC website. Once you are logged in, please follow this link: https://www.apsreports.com/metro/Enroll.aspx

The enrollment process will ask you to agree to the terms and provide your basic contact information.

APS Enrollment Trouble-Shooting

  • The enrollment "Next" button does nothing.

    • A: This sometimes occurs when you are already enrolled in the APS and need to sign in instead.

  • I received an Error at the end of my enrollment.

    • A: The enrolment is saved; however, please contact Tech@NCCA.org to notify us.

  • The enrollment will not accept my full name.

    • A: The APS website checks your name with our database; if there is an extra character like a hyphen, this might be causing the mismatch.

APS Enrollment Finished

Once your enrolment is submitted, we will review your account and, if approved, activate your account. This normally takes about two business days. You will receive a welcome letter upon approval. To log in to your account, go to https://www.apsreports.com and click sign in.